
2024 end of the world (Nostradamus 2024)

Nostradamus (2024)

Nostradamus 2024

Nostradamus  was a French astrologer ,apothecary, physician also known as the prophet of Doom this 16th century  dude wrote some Eerie stuff that people think predicted big offense link in his book called lay prophetes .some people think that he foresaw crazy stuff from the rise of the fascist  party in Germany back in the day of the 2020 pandemic now in 2024 people are freaking out because they say his writings suggest major disasters like war natural disasters and other crazy stuff happening this year 

Earthquake in japan on New year’s day.  (Nostradamus 2024)

Nostradamus 2024


Near hours into the new year Nostradamus first prophecy for 2024Come true his prediction for 2024 begins with the Oracle writting quote the dry Earth will become more parched and there will be great flood now we’ll address the first part of that prophecy in a just a moment because the physics have surmised that Nostradamus was referring to the 7.5 Megnitude tremor that hits japan western coast were mere hours to new year 2024 which claimed 48 lives & leveled buildings &in the process generating tsunamis these waves Engulfed the coast and swept homes and cars into the sea forcing residents to seek higher ground so not only did his predictions for great floods in 2024 come true immediately but the Oracle also managed to sneak in a long term prediction in the same sentence you see most have speculated that his dry earth hypothesis is definitely in reference to the climate crisis we find ourselves in 2023 was the hottest year in recent human history and Experts hypothesizes that 2024 to be Even hotter with even more droughts & fires in last years were only one entry  in & the dudes already go two predictions

World war -3. (Nostradamus 2024)

Nostradamus 2024

 One of his predictions talks about a new world war starting 79 years after world war -2 now people are trying to connect the dots between what Nostradamus is said and the current and very tense situations across the globe take Ukraine fore Example with all that back and forth conflict there and the whole tension between chinna & Taiwan plus the ongoing struggles in Palestine at this point it’s very possible that any one of these wars could  escalate into something much worse on a scale that we haven’t seen in nearly 80 years & as so for whether or not this will come into fruition we’re just going to have to wait & see 

  • Famine & pandemic. (Nostradamus 2024)

Nostradamus prediction about a quote very great famine through presiter  wave & quote sure sparks curiosity to say the least now first off how might this famine happen well think about it a prestigious wave  if I’m pronouncing that right might not just mean a disease  but it.  Could  also mean like a swarm  of pests  attacking  crops  or disrupting food supplies climate change could also play  a part causing Extreme weather  that messes up farming leading to food shortages. Imagine a situation in which crops fail due to devastating pet infestation or changing climate patterns now this could hit hard as food prices skyrocket and some places could struggle to get enough to eat the effects might ripple worldwide causing instability conflicts over  resources and Economic chaos now remember these predictions are like reading tea Leaves which is open to many interpretations so while it’s good to be aware let’s take these prophecies with a pinch of  scepticism

Prince harry become king

 One of his prophecies is making people do a double take lately   especially those eyeing  the British monarchy so there’s this pass in his book hinting at the quote hinting at a king of the isles facing a forced exit now  many people are drawing a line between that prediction & king Charles 3 see it Nostradamus wasn’t cooking up poetic riddles it seems like there’s trouble brewing for the new ruler now be while some have taken that to signify the torch being passed from the late Queen Elizabeth to the now king Charles ,that wouldnt explain the whole driven out  by force bit so some are speculating that king  Charles is to be dethroned but by whom exactly well the prophecy throws  in a twist saying that this ruler would be unsurped  by quote one who will have no mark of a king so basically a new leader  that won’t have the usual kingly vibes or isn’t inherently the heir to the throne  now prime William is next in line for the crown but according to the Nostradamus that might not stick cue prince harry

The Death of pope Francis

Death of pope Francis so Nostradamus had some very spooky predictions about 2024 and one of them involves the pope he talked about a very old pope  shuffling off this moral coil and then a seasoned Roman talking  over now that’s. got people thinking Espically because pope Francis who is about to turn 87 hasn’t been feeling too chopper lately I mean the guy had to skip a major climate conference due to his lung issues now thing with  Nostradamus is that his predictions are like deciphering riddles so there’s always room for interpretation it’s not like a crystal ball that gives  you a clear picture but still when it comes to talking about the pope and his health really makes you take notice now let’s not hot the panic button just yet may be Nostradamus was  having an  off day or reading the stars upside down so here’s the hoping the pope Francis sticks around for a good while and proves those predictions wrong 

Anti- christ

Nostradamus 2024

This prediction is by far one of the most way out there predictions  in the whole book and if it’s correct in the biblical Armageddon is literally going to happen  this year the passage like this quote the Antichrist very soon annihilates the three 27 years his war will last the unbelivers  are dead  captive and exiled with blood, human bodies ,water & red hail covering the earth & quote now this could mean that this year’s marks the beginning of the end but there’s the thing note – is kind of like the devincicode  of his time his writings are super open to interpretation like the line about the Antichrist very soon annihilates the three some people think that the three could be the three big powers may be the Holy trinity thus signifying the end of organized religion or something along the lines.


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